A drama based on the true story of Melvin B. Tolson,
a professor at Wiley College Texas.
In 1935, he inspired students to form
the school's first debate team,
which went on to challenge Harvard in
the national championship.
The Great Debaters is inspired by a true story and underscores the extraordinary power of debate. As ideas traverse our world more rapidly than ever, the need for debate has grown in our lives. To celebrate the purpose and potential of debate, The Princeton Review, for the first time ever, is hosting an online debate contest for anyone who has a voice and wants to be heard. The deadline for entry has passed, but you can still see the video.
Inspirat dintr-o poveste adevarata, The Great Debaters, redescopera extraordinara putere pe care o are dezbaterea, mai ales in contextul lumii de azi, cand ideile se transmit cu o viteza uimitoare. Nevoia de dezbatere a crescut in vietile noastre. Pentru a sarbatori scopul si potentialul de dezvoltare ce il are Debate-ul, Princeton a organizat pentru prima data o dezbatere online, concurs la care a putut participa oricine are o voce si se vrea auzit. Deadline-ul a trecut dar puteti inca sa vzionati fisierele video....
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